Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Lipstick LobbyList 2.16.2011 - Let's Talk About Sex

Boston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley is rocking it out on teen pregnancy and better access to sex ed for Boston girls:
"[P]eople told her not to speak about her history as a 'survivor of sexual abuse or sexual assault' because it 'makes men uncomfortable.'

"She says she was told not to talk about her commitment to girls because 'that’s not a city-wide issue that will resonate.'

"Instead, Pressley developed her own philosophy. She gave the same stump speech, no matter what side of town she was on. Everyone heard how she was raised by a single mom, that her father was in prison most of her childhood, how she dropped out of college to work full-time and support her mother, who had been laid-off."
Loving the Italian women these days.  Self-described as "neither desperate, nor housewives", these protesters have made the courts and the Parliament take the allegations that Prime Minister Berlusconi paid for an underage prostitute seriously. 

South  A state legislator introduced a bill to make it "justifiable homicide" for killing an abortion doctor.

Santorum's ongoing "google problem".  He he.

One woman's name continues to get play in the field of Sen. Brown challengers: Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll.

Former Cantabrigian and President of Lesley University Margaret McKenna is making impressive strides in the world of corporate Walmart.

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